*は必須項目です。Fields marked with * are required.
1. 学生氏名 / Name*
2. 学籍番号 / Student ID Number*
例:20D98765 ※2025年度予約採用に応募した方は、修士課程の学籍番号をご記入ください。
e.g., 20D98765  *If you applied for SPRING [Category B], please enter your student ID number in master’s degree program
3. メールアドレス / E-mail Address (@m.titech.ac.jp)*
4. 所属(予定)学院 / Name of School You (Will) Belong to*

5. 本プログラムの内定承諾是非 / Acceptance or Withdrawal of This Program Offer*
Please select whether you accept this program or not. If you accept this program offer, you have to withdraw from other scholarships that cannot be accepted in conjunction with this program. (e.g., Tokyo Tech Tsubame Scholarship for Doctoral Students, IIR Research Fellow (IIR: The Institute of Innovative Research), etc.)
※5.で「承諾」を選んだ学生のみ / Only for students answered "accept" in question 5
6. 確認事項 / Confirmation
Note: You have to check all the boxes to be the supported students of this program.

※5.で「辞退」を選んだ学生のみ / Only for students answered "withdraw" in question 5
7. 辞退理由 / Reason for Withdrawal
If you withdraw this offer, enter the reason for withdrawal. You cannot cancel once you have withdrawn this offer.
8. コメント / Comment
ご質問の際は問合せフォームをご利用ください / If you have any questions, please use the inquiry form.