Thank you very much for the many people who attended our recent joint information session.
For those who were unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances, we are posting a recording of the day’s session and materials.
Please note that the questions received during the Q&A session, including those answered on the day, are available for download. *2022.9.21 Q&A session has been added.

Application deadline: Friday, September 30, 2022, closing at noon
There are 9 days left until the application deadline. *Except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
If you are a student who plans to enroll or advance to higher education in September 2022 or April 2023, you will not be able to apply again if you miss this opportunity.
We look forward to receiving many applications!
2022年9月14日(水)合同説明会資料 All rights reserved,Japanese only
English audio
Japanese audio
Briefing Q&A All rights reserved (※2022.9.21 Updated)
If you have any questions or concerns about the Cross-border Project, please contact us using the inquiry form.
*For more information about Tokyo Tech Advanced Human Resource Development Fellowship, click here.