* We added the information on the recorded webinar at the end of this article on April 17, 2023.
We would like to inform you that the orientation will be held to explain the purpose, system, obligations, and cost execution of this project to the selected applicants.
Newly selected applicants must attend this orientation.
If you are unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances, please be sure to watch the video later.
We would be grateful if the academic supervisors and secretaries of newly selected applicants could attend this orientation.
Attendance is not mandatory for the recipients who have been selected before FY 2022.
There are some changes from last fiscal year, so please attend if you are able to make it.

- To understand the purpose and system of the project and make full use of it.
- To understand the obligations of the adopters and fulfill them without omission.
- To ensure that research expenses and other expenses are properly executed and processed.
Mandatory: Newly selected applicants
Not mandatory: Recipients who have been selected before FY 2022, academic supervisors, administrative supporters, etc.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 12:30-13:30
Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_N8mOFKiaTyS8otsvB6LnWQ
Language: Japanese, English (simultaneous interpretation)
For those who were unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances, please watch the recording below. *April 17, 2023 updated.