For Exemptions from Enrollment Fee and Tuition for Graduate Students, we do not issue certificates. Please print out and submit the list of selected applicants.

Please clear your browser’s cache and reload this page if the confirmation page does not appear.

*は必須項目です。Fields marked with * are required.
使用目的 Purpose*
提出先 Where to Submit*

必要書類 Required Document*
採用証明書 Certificate of Support
【Utility】filing a tax return, VISA application, social insurance premium, opening a bank account, etc.
【Printed Details】selection date, the month of support start and end, monthly stipend of research incentives
サポートレター Letter of Support
【用途】海外での学外研鑽に係るビザ申請、受入先機関提出など ※研究奨励費の証明では不足する場合のみ
【Utility】VISA application for off-campus study abroad, submission to host organaization, etc. ※Only when proof of research incentives is insufficient
【Stated amount】Research Incentives, Research funds, Off-Campus Study Plus etc.


受取方法 How to receive*

研究室名 Laboratory*
研究室のポスト番号 Campus Mailbox Number*
研究室の建物名・部屋番号 Laboratory's Room Number*
学外研鑽プラス Off-Campus Study Plus*
今回の海外渡航について、学外研鑽プラスは支給されますか。 Will “Off-Campus Study Plus” be provided for this off-campus study?
受入機関正式名称 Official Name of The Organization*
It will be noted on the certificate.
渡航開始日 Departure Date*
It will be noted on the certificate.
渡航終了日 Return Date*
It will be noted on the certificate.
記載最低額(円)Stated Minimum Amount
If the minimum amount required for visa issuance, etc. is obvious, please provide for reference only.

支援学生氏名 Name*
This is the name that will appear on the certificate. If the purpose of use is to apply for a visa, open a bank account, or for some other purpose, and your passport is to be submitted with the certificate, your name should be the same as it appears on your passport. Please enter the name as it appears on your passport
支援学生氏名(ローマ字) Name (Roman)*
This is the Roman alphabet for the name to be written on the certificate. If the purpose of use is to apply for a visa, open a bank account, etc., and your passport is to be submitted with the certificate, your name should be the same as it appears on your passport. Please enter the Romanized version of your name as it appears in your passport.
性別 Sex*
Please select the gender indicated in your passport.
生年月日 Date of Birth*
学籍番号 Student ID Number*
メールアドレス E-mail Address(*
For internal applicants, please enter your university email address ( Please note that we will not be able to reply if the e-mail address is incorrect.

発行希望日 Preferred Date of Issue*
Please choose a date after 7 days from today(It takes about a week to issue the certificate.). If you wish to request issuance before that date, please be sure to provide the reason in the following "Additional comments."
補足 Additional Comment
Please provide any additional information.